Current Location: Brisbane, Australia

Current Location: Brisbane, Australia
Current Location: Brisbane, Australia

Wednesday, 30 November 2011

Le Bloc

The famous Fontainebleau, it's a 35 minute train ride from Paris and before you know it you have escaped the hustle and bustle of the city of light. I got myself a little crashpad and headed out!

My mission involved about 30 minutes on the metro, a half hour wait for the hourly train out to font, which was cancelled, so another hour wait, then a 20 minute bus ride, and a half hour walk. Quite the mission, but I made it. I walked along the highway and disappeared into the forest where I met up with some serial killers and drug dealers. Nah just joking, but I was alone for the morning anyway, which was a little creepy.

After checking out a boulder or two I joined up with the blue circuit, which I should have done from the start, it takes you easily around to the best problems. And they were tough! real tough! Though I must admit I haven't done any strength training or bouldering for over two months, so I was definetly super weak. (also everything was damp, misty and fucking cold!)

A nice little warm up problem

Some of the boulders along the blue circuit

The main tourist attraction is the Chateau of Fontainebleau, I prefer the boulders personally..
So after about four hours I had had enough of the cold, so I bailed. Though I'll be back next year and I know how, where, what, who, why etc. I'm thinking two to three weeks of camping, probebly a car and temps of around 22 degrees... Perfect.

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